Flash Forward Wiki

Markfamiglietti Markfamiglietti 4 March 2019

Mark Famiglietti - Biography

Born on September 26, 1979, is a famous American actor and writer who is very active in Hollywood. Since his early age he was inclined towards acting and he performed in various stages as his quote of interest. Mark attended New York University as a drama major, where he studied with the Atlantic Theatre Company.

Browse Mark Famiglietti Images in 2019

Professionally he started his career in 1998 and is widely named start actor due to his various movies. These movies are loved and liked by all the movie lovers present in whole over the world.

Browse Mark Famiglietti Photo Gallery on Flickr

Some of his hit and most appreciated movies are Terminator 3, Christmas Belle, Secret in their Eyes, Premonition, Bottle Shock, Stealing Roses, Cinnamon, Ful…

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Cal-Boy Cal-Boy 22 July 2013



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Rayclan Rayclan 10 November 2011

check out this interesting article on FF theories!!!!!

Check this out:


I was amazed at how deep it went...like ... WOW. Maybe this can give FF viewers some closure. =)

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PixelSith64 PixelSith64 25 September 2010

Project Flashback

It's been about three months since the last episode of the show (last episode for now) was aired. Looking at pages on the Wiki though, some pages are still outdated to episodes before the hiatus (Mark Benford's is only updated to Believe, episode 9).

This is what Project Flashback is for. What will leave a bigger impression on people that come here? Pages with outdated character articles, or ones where they're updated to every episode?

This page will be used for keeping track of what articles have been updated and what articles have yet to be updated:


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Kacieh Kacieh 11 August 2010

Special Emmy Feature

Since Flash Forward has been nominated for several Emmys, Flash Forward Wiki is being featured in an Emmy Awards special on Wikia's main Entertainment page! Congratulations, Flash Forward Wiki! Let's try to keep everything sparkly clean and up to date so we can be featured in style! We'll be getting extra traffic here, so let's add lots of new pictures, blogs and articles make the wiki look extra special.

Which Emmy awards do you think Flash Forward will win?

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SherlockVonEinstein SherlockVonEinstein 29 July 2010

anyone who's writing mcpherson about renewing this show should know...


he's resigned, which means there are even less chances of it coming back. it's not uncommon for new CEO's to clean house once they take over.

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SherlockVonEinstein SherlockVonEinstein 9 July 2010

"flashforward" earned 3 emmy nominations:

outstanding cinematography for a one hour series, outstanding music composition for a series, and outstanding stunt coordination.

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Losxer Losxer 30 June 2010


not sure if everyone knows but on facebook join the save FF page

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SherlockVonEinstein SherlockVonEinstein 22 June 2010

june 27 event (this is getting silly now, but i thought i'd share anyway)

Date:Sunday, June 27, 2010Time:7:00pm - 7:30pmLocation:Online


On June 27th; all fans of FlashForward will try AGAIN to get FLASHFORWARD BACK! Our FlashForwards of Season 2 MUST COME TRUE!

(1) At 7:00:00PM GMT [EXACTLY] ALL fans will click the following link to watch Future Shock on the ABC site. http://abc.go.com/watch/flashforward/SH559054/VD5565370/future-shock At 7:02:17PM GMT [EXACTLY] ALL fans will exit the page. This extreme high page views will be noticed by ABC and they will understand the views they are recieving around the world altogether.

(NOTE) EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT IN AMERICA AND CAN NOT WATCH THE VIDEO PLEASE DO THIS. ———————————————————————————————————————————- (2) As soon as fans exit…

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SherlockVonEinstein SherlockVonEinstein 19 June 2010

interview with gabrielle union concerning how the ending of FF was changed...


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SherlockVonEinstein SherlockVonEinstein 13 June 2010

the fan protest continues on June 20th...

From the Save Flashforward facebook page:

On June 20th; all fans of FlashForward will try AGAIN to get FLASHFORWARD BACK! Our FlashForwards of Season 2 MUST COME TRUE!!

(1) At 6:55PM GMT (10:55AM PDT) ALL fans will start writing a message to ABC asking for a second season on http://abc.go.com/site/contact-us. When the time hits 7:00PM GMT (11:00AM PDT) [EXACTLY] ALL fans will click the SEND button.

(2) At 7:05PM GMT (11:05AM PDT) ALL fans will start writing e-mail messages to one or more ABC executives. When the time hits 7:10PM GMT (11:10AM PDT) [EXACTLY] ALL fan will click the SEND button.

(3) At 7:15PM GMT(11:15AM PDT) ALL fans will enter their messages at http://www.savethatshow.com/Save_That_Show__Something_To_Say_to_ABC.shtml. At 7:20P…

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SherlockVonEinstein SherlockVonEinstein 8 June 2010

theory concerning the significance of the kangaroos.

if you can get displaced in time, you can get displaced in space, as the two are connected.

perhaps whoever is behind the blackouts is doing their thing in australia. perhaps mark is missing (as indicated by charlie's final flashforward) because he got displaced spatially. perhaps the "blackout wave" rippling through the explosion aided this.

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SherlockVonEinstein SherlockVonEinstein 7 June 2010

the twist concerning the final blackout.

there are several different dates seen in the final montage... march 14, 2011 (from a letter being read); december 31, 2014 (new years banner for 2015); april 7, unknown year (from a will being dated); september 6, unknown year (from a radiology chart).

this could mean that different people saw different moments during the second blackout. or it could mean that everyone saw a montage of various moments during the final flashforward.

what do you think?

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Fallen5 Fallen5 3 June 2010

Another Blackout?

So we've had two blackouts. But will more happen? I think so. But when? And another thing, who did hack into that machine thing to cause the second blackout. Was it really Simon? If not, who?

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Bongo2009 Bongo2009 1 June 2010


So Did Mark Make It Or Did He Die And Will Be There Be A Second Series

Reply What You Think

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Jelliott1 Jelliott1 31 May 2010

So why didn't Demitri have a flashforward?

Just something that was bothering me, why, if he survived March 15th and was alive on April 29th, why did he still not have a flashforward showing him with Simon inside NLAP?

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SherlockVonEinstein SherlockVonEinstein 29 May 2010

will there be a complete series box set?

does anyone know if there are any plans to release the complete season as a box set? or are they just going to release a season 1, pt. 2 box set?

(breaking the seasons up into parts are such a lame way for the studios to make additional cash. no wonder people torrent shows.)

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PixelSith64 PixelSith64 28 May 2010

Future Shock Review

Hello again, never did get around to reviews of the last two episodes, or several other ones, but I promised myself I would get this one done. There were computer problems, but they have mostly been sorted out.

Future Shock is the final episode of season one of FlashForward, and could possibly be the last episode of the series (I still am holding out hope it comes back somehow).

Mark is in jail now, but Stan comes by and gets him out, handing him his badge. As Mark starts to talk, Stan says "don't say I'm not going to regret this, because I already am." They leave and go to the FBI office building, where several bombs have been planted inside.

Demetri, Janis and Simon are at NLAP, and they have Janis create a distraction so they can sneak in.…

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SherlockVonEinstein SherlockVonEinstein 28 May 2010

does the finale have an appropriate ending for the series?

i've been considering grabbing the box set for the entire season when its released. i was just curious if someone could respond after the finale and let me know if the series comes to a logical ending point. it doesn't matter to me if all the mysteries are solved, just if it seems like there's a complete story arch.

for example, "twin peaks" was cancelled at the end of the 2nd season with a lot of cliffhangers. however, the main story and character archs were at a point where the series could've been viewed as having an open-ended type of ending. there was definately a sense that things had returned to a status quo, though the story could have definately continued. i'd type more detail, but i don't want to ruin that show for anyone who hasn…

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Scifijunkie12 Scifijunkie12 21 May 2010

Et tu, Marke?

HEY!! okay, i know the main topic of this page is the show being cancelled (what a load of crap) but i must know if anyone else noticed this, or if i'm just going crazy!!!

first, if you've read william shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, then you know three things: 1.) brutus killed caesar on march 15, 2.) the number three is extremely significant (christ was denied three times; play is about betrayal), and 3.) brutus was caesar's best friend.

okay, so i noticed that the whole thing about demitri not having a flash forward and mark allegedly killing him is all one huge allusion to Julius Caesar!! demitri is killed on MARCH 15, he is killed by mark, HIS FRIEND, and he is shot THREE TIMES.

CRAZY, right!!??!?!! these writers are geniuses!!!!

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Chaser.david Chaser.david 16 May 2010

Read this, and help SAVING FLASHFORWARD!

So, dear passionate Fans!

We're facing the situation which you may all know: ABC doesn't want to renew our beloved show. But, please don't give up here! FlashForward is something that means a LOT to millions of people around the world! You are one of them, and together, our cause can't be ignored by the rest of the world!

The show is not necessarily over. Although it's confirmed that the season one finale gives us a lot of answers, it also leaves loose ends concerning the storyline and the mistery of the series. We still have hope that another channel will pick up the series, what's more... I dare to say, that - if we push really hard for the cause - we can change ABC's decision.

Either way, now it's up to YOU to help FlashForward to survive! Go…

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Cloudstrife133 Cloudstrife133 16 May 2010

Please Remain Calm

I know That the show has been cancelled but to avoid Anarchy i just had to post this. Flash forward has been rumored to be appearing on other channels such as sky one. Things do have a way of coming back (Primeval)So lets wait until october 6th 2010 before making accusations

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Tiffanymarie16 Tiffanymarie16 15 May 2010


Hello fellow FF fans,

I am sure that if you heard the sad news of FF being cancelled, that you are just as upset as I am. Flashforward is by far my favorite show ever! I want to keep it alive and I have a plan! Check back for updates whenever you can. In the meantime, while Im trying to get everything started, start flooding the ABC network with everything possible. Complaints in the forms of emails, letters, videos, however you can think. As FF fans we need to stick up for this show! Spread the word! Send links to this blog because I am going to be posting information on what I am doing to try to save FF. Updates all this week! Its gonna be big!

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T montalbano T montalbano 14 May 2010

FF cancelled!! Send SyFy an e-mail to pick it up.

Just send to feedback@syfy.com or send friendship bracelets, calendars, or anything FF related to:

Syfy.com // 30 Rockefeller Plaza, 21st Fl. // New York, N.Y. 10112

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T montalbano T montalbano 14 May 2010

FF cancelled!! Send ABC a complaint.

It's that time of the year again when big wigs over at the broadcast networks decide the fate of some of your favorite television shows.

According to EW.com, the networks are in the process of deciding whether they should save or kill a TV show that is "on the bubble," meaning the ones that have yet to be renewed for the 2010-2011 TV season.

"FlashForward," "Better Off Ted," "Scrubs" and Alyssa Milano's short-lived comedy "Romantically Challenged" are among the ABC shows that have officially been cancelled. On a good note, the sci-fi alien series "V" will be coming back for a 13-episode second season.

CBS has yet to announce their full line-up, however "How I Met Your Mother," "The Big Bang Theory," "The Good Wife," NCIS: Los Angeles" and "Tw…

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Mindscatter Mindscatter 12 May 2010

How will the world end on 12 December 2016/2012

Any opinions?

It will either:

- Hit a black hole.

- Be consumed by a black hole created in a CERN experiment.

- Be hit by a meteorite.

Now, if it's 2 or 3, then it will be avoidable.

But if it's 1, what could anyone do? I don't think it's it, as the Global Blackout conspiracy team would have never been formed in the first place.

Why I'm sure the THE END on Frost's wall literally means THE END - it can't be anything else. During the experiments in 1980, he put autistic savants to write down what they saw in the future, and after Frost noticed that several savants could not see anything beyond that date, he figured out that they will all be dead.

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PixelSith64 PixelSith64 12 May 2010

Dyson Frost

First an apology to whoever reads my reviews of the episodes, I've been busy as of late and have been unable to do them. I will try and come back to them at a later date, but I will most likely at least do the last three episodes of season one.

Now, for what this is about. Recently I bought season one part one of FlashForward on DVD. Rewatching the series has uncovered some foreshadowing and hints that were given that wouldn't make sense to someone starting the series from the beginning and watching for the first time.

In "White to Play" when Mark, Demetri and Sheriff Keegan go into the room D. Gibbons is in, after his only line of dialogue and subsequent escape, he pulls a cord that sets off the grenades by pulling down the lights.

Going th…

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Yersifanel Yersifanel 8 May 2010

Simon and the Blackout

From the last episode, Course correction, I found interesting Simon’s instance of the experiment occurring at precisely October 6.

We have seen that he was, until now, had no clear image of the propose of the experiment was beside the obvious factor of reproducing the big bang, meaning the he didn’t know about the flash forwards, but as Lloyd said, if this was a great moment for him to presence, meaning to see the experiment happening, why he didn’t want it postponed? He told Uncle Teddy “You wanted me to give you data” meaning that he knew that his sponsors wanted something more from him regarding the experiment, but now it looks like it is out of control.

So what do you think is the real propose of keeping him awake during the black out an…

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Effeff Effeff 22 April 2010

Zoey at the FBI

So what's the deal with Zoey? First she creates quite some commotion when she threatens Stan with FOIA papers and publicity. Then she makes a deal with Alda because she thinks Alda has information regarding Demetri's murder . During the mole-hunt at the FBI Zoey is nowhere to be seen though . On March 12, three days before Demetri's alleged murder, it doesn't look like she has gained significant insight from her little deal . I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of that yet.

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TheUnknown285 TheUnknown285 18 April 2010

The significance of March 12

"Let No Man Put Asunder" takes place on March 12. In this episode, Demetri tries to move up his wedding to this date but is kidnapped by Dyson Frost. This explains the title of the episode.

But in "Gimme Some Truth," we find out that March 12 is Mark and Olivia's anniversary. We find this out because Olivia wants to use the date as the access code to their alarm system. Despite Aaron workign on the system, the code doesn't work for Olivia. In the same episode, she gets an untraceable text saying Mark was drinking in his flashforward.

So, Demetri is kidnapped on Mark and Olivia's anniversary by Frost. And the date of their anniversary will not work on their alarm system.

You think there's something to this?

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Cazzax3 Cazzax3 15 April 2010

Janis and the gun !

Anyone else think its a bit strange we find out the gun has went missing , only someone with access to the gun ( fbi agent) could take it out. And then we discover Janis is a spy and possibly is involved in marks death. could i be her who has the gun ? could she tell Mark that Demetri is the spy and this could cause him to shoot him ( considering she was right about maya, he would take her advice) And then is the masked gun men in mark's flashforward could actually be members of the fbi or cia coming to kill him after discovering he killed an innocent fbi agent (Demetri), And who wouldn't start drinking after killing their best friend ? And when in Marshall's flashforward he says ' Mark Benford is dead' he would be afterall just doing his …

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PixelSith64 PixelSith64 9 April 2010

Queen Sacrifice

 The episodes seem to be getting more coherent, balancing giving answers and adding new questions.

 ==Bryce & Keiko==

 Keiko is looking for Bryce, going to the same restaurant every day in the hopes of seeing him. She gets a job with a group of men and is employeed as a mechanic.


 Meanwhile, Bryce is going through chemo, alongside Nicole. They decide to go out for dinner some place that night. They go out and stop at the restaurant where Keiko and her employer are currently eating and talking at. Bryce kisses Nicole, confusing her. "You're kissing me while thinking of another woman" she says to him. He apologizes and offers to buy her a burger. As they leave, it's revealed they were at the window where Keiko and her employer were at talking …

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T montalbano T montalbano 5 April 2010

FlashForward safe for now. Stay tuned!

On October 21, 2009, it was announced that executive producer Marc Guggenheim would leave ABC's FlashForward. Co-creator and executive producer David S. Goyer stepped in to replace him as show runner. On February 5, 2010, Goyer announced he would be stepping down as show runner to focus on feature films and directing. He will still be involved with the show, however. Replacing Goyer will be his wife, Jessika, along with Lisa Zwerling and Tim Lea.

Recent reports suggest FlashForward may not survive to a second season, with Zachary Knighton, Ryan Wynott and Christine Woods having signed onto new projects, in the wake of falling ratings.

The SAFE shows that premiered this fall include The Cleveland Show, Community, Cougar Town, FlashForward, Glee, …

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T montalbano T montalbano 5 April 2010

No second season? Please VOTE!

On October 21, 2009, it was announced that executive producer Marc Guggenheim would leave ABC's FlashForward. Co-creator and executive producer David S. Goyer stepped in to replace him as show runner. On February 5, 2010, Goyer announced he would be stepping down as show runner to focus on feature films and directing. He will still be involved with the show, however. Replacing Goyer will be his wife, Jessika, along with Lisa Zwerling and Tim Lea.

Recent reports suggest FlashForward may not survive to a second season, with Zachary Knighton, Ryan Wynott and Christine Woods having signed onto new projects, in the wake of falling ratings.

Please go here to keep this show going to the end.

T. Montalbano 02:40, April 5, 2010 (UTC)

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T montalbano T montalbano 31 October 2013

FlashForward may not get second season! Please VOTE!

On October 21, 2009, it was announced that executive producer Marc Guggenheim would leave ABC's FlashForward. Co-creator and executive producer David S. Goyer stepped in to replace him as show runner. On February 5, 2010, Goyer announced he would be stepping down as show runner to focus on feature films and directing. He will still be involved with the show, however. Replacing Goyer will be his wife, Jessika, along with Lisa Zwerling and Tim Lea.

Recent reports suggest FlashForward may not survive to a second season, with a number of the show's stars (Zachary Knighton, Christine Woods and ) having signed onto new projects, in the wake of falling ratings.

Please click here to vote to keep the show going.

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PixelSith64 PixelSith64 2 April 2010

Better Angels Review

My return to reviewing each episode is with the episode that just finished airing exactly 6 minutes ago, the episode Better Angels.

The main focus of the episode is on the Somalia team of Marshall Vogel, Demetri, Janis and Simon. After the team land in Somalia along with three other men, they're attacked by a group of men armed with rifles. One Somalian man named Abdi goes up to them, holding an AK-47. He motions the African man to step forward and shoots him dead. They bring the six survivors into a home as he tries to debrief them. As it goes along, two more characters die, but no one whose name is mentioned, other then one being with the CIA. Abdi talks about how he was giving a speech, representing Somalia in his Flashforward. He quotes…

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PixelSith64 PixelSith64 2 April 2010

I'm alive (Review of tonight's episode coming after I watch it)

Hey guys, a few of you may remember me from September-December when FlashForward was airing, I reviewed each episode and went over the main points of each one usually within a day or two after it had aired. I missed last week and the week before, but will start again tonight with reviewing episodes.

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Pyr0h Pyr0h 4 March 2010

World Map on the monitors of D.Gibbons

Did someone notice the x-marks on the World Map on the screen D.Gibbons was looking at in his hideout ?

Perhaps these x-marks show the position of more plasma towers all around the world.

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Losxer Losxer 23 December 2009

the next half

heres a promo for the next half go to youtube and put in FlashForward 1x11 Buddha in Ruins Return in March 2010

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Losxer Losxer 21 December 2009

Is Demetri One Of The Bad Guys

me and my firends and family all think that he will turn up to be one of the people who are involved with the balckout heres some clues to why

1.episode 1 he is outside the car on the other side of the road when the blackout happens he didnt want to say his blackout[is he really going to die?]

2.the comercial for march 4th if you didnt see it check it out on youbtue under flashforward promo 1x11 2010

3.there has to be a reason why Mark might kill him

what do you all tink

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Joeyishere Joeyishere 6 December 2009

What about the guys that attack Stark's daughter

Hey I was thinking about "Playing Cards with Coyote" and wondered, didn't Starke's daughter say that in her last mission before the attack on her Humvee, she was sent to infiltrate a village and saw some PMC guys(I think the name was Jericho) kill the villiagers, didn't she also say that she warned her commanders and the next day she was attacked by the PMC guys.  Was I right about that or do I need to re-watch this episode to get my facts right

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RockOnPsycho RockOnPsycho 4 December 2009

A561984 Discussion.

There are some major things that have been answered about the plot. There are some major plot advances, and some characters are shown with new light. Below, I have listed major happenings of the episode. Here are some things of major relevance:

  • Lloyd Simcoe confessed with Simon Campos about their involvement with the black out. However, Both scientists say they are not sure whether or not it was their fault.
  • Demetri's mystery caller was shown to have major relevance to the plot.
    • She knows of D. Gibbons and is seen with him at the end of the episode.
  • Mark's gun is the one that (may) shoot Demetri.
  • Mark has been fired.
  • Zoey WAS at Demetri's funeral (in her flash forward) as I thought she was. Not a wedding. Yes, she does wear a dress that looks like a …
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Mindscatter Mindscatter 1 December 2009

Discussion about Casualties

I was wandering how many people died during the blackout.

Adding up traffic, crushed planes, people that were swimming, people that were near an edge and even people that fell over sharp objects, my opinion is that normally 5-12% of the world population must've died during the Blackout. What do you think?

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Mindscatter Mindscatter 1 December 2009

how do we take 2 minutes and 17 seconds?

I mean, do we take it like 217 or 137? They both are meaningful but their meanings are different. Just wondering...

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TheUnknown285 TheUnknown285 25 November 2009

Stephen King references?

Okay, someone mentioned Iron Man similarities/references before.  How about Stephen King references?

1. The GBO lasts for two minutes, seventeen seconds.  In The Shining, Room 217 is one of the most haunted and dangerous parts of the book.

2. The phenomenon called "the shining" is in part pre-cognition (seeing the future), possibly as a message sent by a future version of the main character.  The flashforwards are versions of the future.

3. The titles of both works (The Shining and FlashForward) are taken from these pre-cogntion events.

4. In both The Shining and FlashForward, not everything seen comes to pass.

5. In both works, the adult, male main character is a recovering alcholic driven back to alcohol as the story progresses, assuming Mark's flash…

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TheUnknown285 TheUnknown285 23 November 2009

Who is the mole?

A few episodes ago, it was revealed there is a mole at the FBI.  Who do you think it is?

I personally think it's Vreede.  In his flashforward, he's going out the secure exit for some reason and glances up to see the time and date.  Either he's letting in the gunmen who intend to kill Mark, has already let them in, or is going out another way to get out of their way.  He's looking at the clock to see how much time is left.

Also, when the NSA agent says an FBI agent is being tapped, Vreede's body language makes it look like he's surprised, scared, and really uncomfortable, like he's thinking "Oh, [bleep]!  They caught me."  You could say it may be logical to be fearful, but the other FBI agents in the room were more indignant.

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PixelSith64 PixelSith64 22 November 2009

Episode "Review" review


I know there was an episode I still haven't reviewed... Anyway.. Several days late, but here it is, the episode review for Believe.

Believe was a very Bryce/Keiko (The Japanese woman he saw in his flash) centered episode. We got to see why he was so depressed, because he had stage 4... Something or other. Ah, there we go. Renal cell carcinoma. (I need to learn to use backspace button at 3 am). On the day of the blackout, it has already gotten to stage 4. He goes out to the dock and we know what happens from there.

What we didn't see was his full flash. He says "You're actually here" (something like that, exact quote was removed from Bryce's Flash section of his page. Why I ask?). She doesn't understand, and h…

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PixelSith64 PixelSith64 21 November 2009

TV Guide

Episode review coming later. But I wanted to tell you guys in the US about this month's TV Guide. The cover is Mark and Olivia Benford, and inside the actors and producers talk about the future of the show. There is an interesting fact about how the doll that was in the show was chosen, and a couple of spoilers about what future episodes will have (Suspect Zero, names specific episodes there'll be more info on him in) it also says that this weeks and December 3rd's episodes are going to be "game changing". I don't want to post everything because there are some spoilers, but if you have the money, go check it out! And if you don't, just look at it in the store. Talks about Simon, Bryce and Lloyd. About Mark's drinking in his FlashForward, a…

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Ryomi Ryomi 20 November 2009

Simon (biblical)

Just a thought... maybe long to read but has a lot of info (at least for me).  Think about simcoes email recipients.

Simon’s Past and His Profession (8:9-13)

9 Now there was a certain man named Simon, who formerly was practicing magic in the city, and astonishing the people of Samaria, claiming to be someone great; 10 and they all, from smallest to greatest, were giving attention to him, saying, “This man is what is called the Great Power of God.” 11 And they were giving him attention because he had for a long time astonished them with his magic arts. 12 But when they believed Philip( preaching the good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were being baptized, men and women alike. 13 And even Simon himself belie…

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BillzFilmz BillzFilmz 20 November 2009

Where would you be?

in 6 months? i reckon right here! saying "did it happen?" mine would probly come true ,

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