Flash Forward Wiki
Dave Segovia
Actor Peter Coyote
First Seen "Gimme Some Truth"
Name Dave Segovia
Status Alive
Job President of the United States of America
Saw in Flash Woken up and informed "something's happened"

David "Dave" Segovia is the President of the United States. Elected in 2004, at the time of Season 1, he is in his second term. Stan Wedeck worked for Segovia's first presidential campaign as a political fixer and arranged a payment of a quarter of a million dollars to cover up the President's affair with a woman named Renee Garrigos.

Based on his apparel during the basketball game he played against Wedeck, he likely graduated from Harvard University, which also produced eight real-life Presidents: both Adams, Hayes, Kennedy, both Roosevelts, W. Bush, and Obama.

Vice President Pratt was killed during the Global Blackout. Consequently, Segovia had to appoint a new Vice President per the 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Segovia chose Senator Clemente. ("Gimme Some Truth")

After Mark Benford determined that the second Global Blackout would take place at 10:14 PM on April 29, 2010, Stanford Wedeck informed Segovia, who warned the world, thus alleviating the effects of the second GBO. ("Future Shock")
