Flash Forward Wiki
Edward Ned
1x04 NedFlash
Actor Keir O'Donnell
First Seen "Black Swan"
Name Edward "Ned" Ned
Status Alive, but has Addison's disease
Saw in Flash In a club with dark skin pigmentation,

Character Biography[]

Before the Blackout[]

Edward Ned was riding on a public bus at the time of the Global Blackout; the bus drove into a lake in a park. He had his arm around a pole, which kept his head above water while he was unconscious.


Ned was enjoying himself in a nightclub; when he saw his reflection in a mirror, his skin was dark, leading him to conclude that he had become an African-American.

After the Blackout[]

He helped a woman escape from the flooded bus and followed her into the water. He went to Angeles Hospital because of a pain which he thought might be attributed to a bruised spleen. Olivia Benford was concerned about his low blood count and ordered a CT scan. She determined that he had a hematoma and that blood had been pooling around his liver ever since the day of the GBO and decided that surgery was required. Bryce Varley researched possible causes for Ned's appearance in his Flash and discovered a possible link to Addison's disease. Olivia did not believe Bryce and proceeded with the surgery. When Ned's blood pressure began to fall dangerously low, Olivia realized that Bryce had been right and administered medicine to counteract the problem, saving Ned's life.

