Flash Forward Wiki
Kahmir Dejan
1x08 Khamir Dejan
Actor Dominic Rains
First Seen "Playing Cards with Coyote"
Last Seen "Future Shock"
Name Kahmir Dejan
Status Alive
Job Medic
Saw in Flash Unknown

Kahmir Dejan was an IMC (International Medical Corps) field medic who nursed Tracy Stark back to health after she lost her leg in Afghanistan. He appeared in Aaron Stark's flashforward. ("Playing Cards with Coyote")

Aaron Stark arrives in Afghanistan and meets his guide, Malik. When Aaron and Malik come across a roadblock with armed guards, the guards shoot and kill Malik, but Stark is saved by the arrival of Dejan. ("Goodbye Yellow Brick Road")

Supporting Characters of FlashForward
Zoey Andata Keiko Arahida Yuuka Arahida Fiona Banks Charlie Benford Kahmir Dejan Debbie Martin Dewey Dyson Frost Al Gough Lucas Hellinger Alda Hertzog Lita Gabriel McDow Celia Quinones Maneesh Sandhar Dylan Simcoe Tracy Stark Timothy Marcie Turoff Nhadra Udaya Marshall Vogel Shelly Vreede