- For the events occurred before the GBO, see Pre-GBO Timeline.
- For the events occurred after April 29, 2010, see Post-D-Day Timeline.
Tuesday, October 6[]
- 11:02:17 A.M., Pacific Time: The GBO ends. ("No More Good Days")
- Mark and Demetri arrest Alda Hertzog. ("No More Good Days")
- Olivia and Bryce operate on Dylan. ("No More Good Days")
- 3:00 P.M., Pacific Time: The FBI figures out that the world saw the future during the GBO, and dub the visions "flash forwards." ("No More Good Days")
- Stan forms Mosaic, the investigation of the GBO via Mark's flash forward, with Mark and Demetri on the team, along with Janis Hawk, Al Gough, Vreede, and others. ("No More Good Days")
- Mark and Demetri begin posting notes on the Mosaic Investigation wall. They post eight calendar sheets spanning from September 2009 to April 2010, with October 6th and April 29th marked and dub April 29th "D-Day." They also post five post-it notes, each note reading or showing something different:
- A drawing of three stars ("No More Good Days")
- Around 7:00 P.M., Pacific Time: Janis begins cycling through surveillance footage all across the US and webcams in other countries out of a curiosity to see what was recorded at the time of the GBO. ("No More Good Days")
- Lloyd rushes to Dylan's hospital room and meets Bryce. ("No More Good Days")
Wednesday, October 7[]
- After 12:00 A.M., Pacific Time: Charlie gives Mark a friendship bracelet that she made. ("No More Good Days")
- Janis and Demetri find out that a man was awake in Detroit during the GBO, and dub him "Suspect Zero." ("No More Good Days")
- Jerome Murphy applies for a customs officer job. ("137 Sekunden")
- Ingrid Alvarez puts her bird shop, Birds Plus, up for sale. ("Playing Cards with Coyote")
Thursday, October 8[]
- Stan begins preparing a eulogy for the eight agents that died in the GBO. ("137 Sekunden")
Friday, October 9[]
- Six FBI agents resign, a total of eighteen since the GBO. ("White to Play")
- Deputy Secretary Anastasia Markham of Homeland Security visits the Los Angeles FBI field office questioning Mosaic. ("White to Play")
- Olivia meets Lloyd. ("White to Play")
- Didi visits the FBI office in search of Demetri. ("White to Play")
- Mark and Demetri visit Pigeon, Utah, in search of D. Gibbons and meet Sheriff Keegan. ("White to Play")
- Mark, Demetri and Keegan search the Divine Doll Company and find D. Gibbons in a hideout, whom escapes by shooting and killing Keegan and blowing up the hideout. ("White to Play")
- A forensic photographer takes a picture of a burnt doll and Mark sees it. Demetri then shows Mark a damaged cellphone and a white queen chess piece. ("White to Play")
- Mark posts the chess piece in an evidence bag on the wall along with the doll photo. ("White to Play")
Saturday, October 10[]
- 3:00 A.M., Pacific Time: Janis, Anastasia, Stan and Demetri use the damaged cellphone to find out that D. Gibbons made a call to Suspect Zero thirty seconds into the GBO. At the Benford home, Mark burns the friendship bracelet in a fire. ("White to Play")
- Demetri receives a cellphone call from Nhadra telling him he will be murdered on March 15, 2010, based off an intelligence briefing she read in her flash forward. ("White to Play") ("137 Sekunden")
- Mark and Janis visit Quale Prison and meet the warden Stefan Krieger and Rudolf, whom tells them he was being repatriated to the United States in his flash forward. ("137 Sekunden")
Sunday, October 11[]
- Rudolf is fully pardoned, and then tells Mark and Janis that he saw a murder of crows outside of his cell in the courtyard of the prison. ("137 Sekunden")
- Mark posts Rudolf's photo on the wall along with a note that reads "137 SEKUNDEN." ("137 Sekunden")
- Stan performs the eulogy. ("137 Sekunden")
Sunday, October 18-Saturday, October 24[]
Tuesday, October 20[]
- Ned tells Olivia and Bryce he was at a club wearing leather pants and had black skin in his flash forward. ("Black Swan")
- Demetri and Vreede interrogate Alda, who refers them to the Customer Choice Restaurant Group. ("Black Swan")
- Mark and Demetri visit the Customer Choice Restaurant Group in Indio, California. ("Black Swan")
- Olivia operates on Ned, whom Bryce figures out has Addison's disease. ("Black Swan")
- Mark interrogates Alda. ("Black Swan")
Wednesday, October 28[]
- 10:30 A.M., Eastern Time: Demetri, Vreede and Mark are polygraphed about their flash forwards in Washington, D.C. ("Gimme Some Truth")
Thursday, October 29[]
- Stan testifies about Mosaic at Senator Joyce Clemente's hearing. ("Gimme Some Truth")
Friday, October 30[]
- 10:00 A.M.-5:30 P.M., Eastern Time: Mark testifies about Mosaic and his flash forward at Joyce's Senate hearing. ("Gimme Some Truth")
- President David Segovia nominates Joyce for Vice President in exchange for her to allow funding for Mosaic. ("Gimme Some Truth")
- Ian kills himself along with Jason Martinez and Diana Davis. ("Scary Monsters and Super Creeps") ("The Gift")
Friday, October 30-Saturday, October 31[]
- 1:30 A.M., Eastern Time (10:30 P.M., Pacific Time): Stan, Mark, Vreede and Demetri are attacked by gunmen in Washington, D.C., while Janis is attacked and shot by two more gunmen in Los Angeles. ("Gimme Some Truth")
Saturday, October 31[]
- 10:30 A.M., Pacific Time: Demetri and Al visit Martin Dewey in the morgue, whom is performing an autopsy on the two men who attacked Janis. ("Scary Monsters and Super Creeps")
- Mark, Charlie and Aaron go trick-or-treating while Nicole stays at the Benford home to give out candy. ("Scary Monsters and Super Creeps")
- Dylan leaves the hospital and goes to the Benford home. ("Scary Monsters and Super Creeps")
- Mark meets Dylan and Lloyd. ("Scary Monsters and Super Creeps")
- Simon meets with Lloyd. ("Scary Monsters and Super Creeps")
Monday, November 2[]
- Demetri discovers that "Blue Hand" is a death club. ("The Gift")
- 6:00 P.M., Pacific Time: Zoey goes to a print shop and finds out that Demetri does not come. ("The Gift")
- Mark, Demetri and Al visit the Los Angeles Blue Hand and arrest Jeffrey Slingerland, also known as one of the "Raynauds." ("The Gift")
Tuesday, November 3[]
- Al commits suicide. ("The Gift")
- Tracy reveals herself to Aaron alive and wearing a prosthetic right leg. ("The Gift")
Monday, November 9[]
- Aaron takes pictures of Tracy with his cell phone. ("Playing Cards with Coyote")
Saturday, November 14[]
- Annabelle is kidnapped by the Three Stars, but it is made to believe she ran away. ("Revelation Zero, Part 2")
Thursday, November 19[]
- Ingrid witnesses two Three Stars kill Neil Parofsky and steal the case of Alpha rings. ("Playing Cards with Coyote")
Friday, November 20[]
- Tracy tells Aaron what happened to her.
Saturday, November 21[]
- Mark kills a Three Star whom was trying to kill Ingrid.
Tuesday, December 15[]
- Mark Benford and Demetri Noh travel to Hong Kong, China in search of Nhadra Udaya. ("A561984")
Monday, January 4[]
- Demetri Noh, Janis Hawk, Marshall Vogel and Simon Campos arrive to Ganwar, Somalia where they meet with Abdi Khalif, who witnessed the Ganwar incident in October 1991. ("Better Angels") ("The Garden of Forking Paths")
Wednesday, January 13 - Tuesday, January 19[]
Tuesday, March 9[]
- On the Mosaic Investigation wall, a photo of two men, one of which is wearing an old-fashioned diving suit, is linked to this date. ("No More Good Days")
Monday, March 15[]
- Charlie Benford delivers the nude form painting from Marks wall ("The Garden of Forking Paths")
- Alda Hertzog escapes from custody ("The Garden of Forking Paths")
- Dyson Frost is killed by Alda ("The Garden of Forking Paths")
- Mark finds several clues from his board in Frost's pack: schematics and diving suit photo ("The Garden of Forking Paths")
- Mark saves Demetri from being killed. ("The Garden of Forking Paths")
Monday, April 12[]
- On the Mosaic Investigation wall, a photo of two elephants lying down is linked to this date. ("No More Good Days")
Thursday, April 29-Friday, April 30[]
- 10:00 P.M., Pacific Time (6:00 A.M., British Time): The events portrayed in the flash forwards begin.("No More Good Days")
- 10:14 P.M., Pacific Time (6:14 A.M., British Time): The 2nd GBO occurs.