- This article is about the phrase "Q.E.D." For the actual device, see the alpha ring article.
A Q.E.D. is a phrase eventually revealed to refer to a quantum entanglement device, such as an alpha ring, which can be used to prevent loss of consciousness during a Global Blackout. Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum physics in which the quantum states of two objects are linked together.
Ingrid Alvarez told investigators that the men who murdered Neil Parofsky discussed something that sounded to her like "QED". ("Playing Cards with Coyote")
Simon Campos asked Flosso whether the ring he had worn as Suspect Zero might be a "quantum entanglement device", which would also fit the initials "QED". ("Revelation Zero, Part 2")
In their flashforwards, Mark Benford and Lloyd Simcoe discussed it in their phone conversation, with reference to writing on a mirror. ("Revelation Zero, Part 2")
Later, Simcoe initially suggests to Benford that it could stand for the Latin phrase quod erat demonstrandum, meaning "that which is to be demonstrated", or for quantum electrodynamics, a branch of physics. Simcoe then decides that in the context in which it was mentioned, it is more likely a formula. ("Blowback")
Simcoe asked Olivia Benford about what she saw on the mirror in her flashforward. She remembered the chemical formula C2HBrClF3, for the anesthetic halothane. From that information, Simcoe concludes that the formula is for a quantum entanglement device to prevent a second Global Blackout. ("Queen Sacrifice")
The phrases "ALPHA Q.E.D." and "ALPHA RING" both appear in white on Dyson Frost's wall. ("The Garden of Forking Paths")