Squirrelio is Charlie Benford's cuddly toy, with which she has very strong bonds. Squirrelio appears as one of the characters in the cartoon show "Tim Tim and Squirrelio." Charlie is watching in Episode One before the GBO.
At the beginning of Episode 2, Charlie is at school and has a fight with her schoolmates over playing a game of "Blackout". When she does not want to play along and say what she saw during the GBO, a boy aggressively grabs Squirrelio from Charlie's hand, ripping off its leg. The boy is wearing a t-shirt with a picture on it of a sea beast that appeared in the segment of the Squirrelio cartoon Charlie was watching before the GBO, The beast rose up from behind a hill and Charlie reacted with surprise. Later at the hospital, Charlie obliged her mother to "operate" on Squirrello - i.e. stitch it up.
The Squirrelio cartoon show appears again when Charlie is watching a segment early in "137 Sekunden". In that episode, Squirrelio and a girl with red pigtails, wearing big round glasses, are in a snowstorm. The girl says they have to get out because she's freezing.
The Squirrelio cartoon show appears again in "Scary Monsters and Super Creeps", where it was revealed that the character Tim Tim's father is named "Jim Tim." The monster ("Super Shark") has two characters named "Monkey See" and "Monkey Do" inside his helmet.