Flash Forward Wiki


  • Please check this for me, but my roommate was able to avoid a checkmate by moving the white queen to b7. I would not be surprised if we overlooked a counter to this because we have not played in years. This would explain why only the white queen was found (or at least pointed out) in the rubble.

Lustigjh 00:02, October 7, 2009 (UTC)

  • Most of the white pieces are useless, some to the point of not being moveable
    • If (White) Qb7, then (Black) Qxf1 - mate
    • If (white) Re1, then (Black) Ne2 - mate

I have also not played in years. Comments from current players appreciated.

--Jim in Georgia Contribs Talk 19:07, October 7, 2009 (UTC)

  • Good catch, for some reason I didn't take the queen into consideration. However, for perfection's sake the second mate you have listed should be (Black) Nh2, otherwise White can do Bxe2, even though this still leaves them trapped by the Black Queen. Lustigjh 21:38, October 7, 2009 (UTC)


Might this chessgame by a symbol for the the entire plotline of FlashForward? If you go with the traditional white equals good and black equals bad symbols, then FlashForward is a chess game between white (the "good guys and girls"--the FBI agents, etc.) and black (the "bad guys"--D. Gibbons, Flosso, the FBI mole, etc.). Someone above said that white's moves are limited as many pieces are unable to move lest white lose.

Relatedly, the chess game could be between the characters and their apparent fates: the apparent deaths of Demetri and Nicole (and possibly Mark), the end of Mark and Olivia's marriage, the horrible thing Charlie saw, the death of Celia, etc. Team white has made moves to beat fate. Mark burned the friendship bracelet. Olivia avoided Lloyd. However, some of those moves appeared to be ineffective. Other moves, like tracking down Nhadra to prevent Demetri's death may well cause it. Seemingly, the one move that has worked was white's most drastic: Al Gough's suicide. TheUnknown285 01:19, March 23, 2010 (UTC)
