Flash Forward Wiki

So, dear passionate Fans!

We're facing the situation which you may all know: ABC doesn't want to renew our beloved show. But, please don't give up here! FlashForward is something that means a LOT to millions of people around the world! You are one of them, and together, our cause can't be ignored by the rest of the world!

The show is not necessarily over. Although it's confirmed that the season one finale gives us a lot of answers, it also leaves loose ends concerning the storyline and the mistery of the series. We still have hope that another channel will pick up the series, what's more... I dare to say, that - if we push really hard for the cause - we can change ABC's decision.

Either way, now it's up to YOU to help FlashForward to survive! Go to http://saveflashforward.tumblr.com/ immediately, where you'll find a growing collection of ways to help saving the series!

Please, ACT and SPREAD THE WORD, tell as many people as you can! As Wedeck said, "now we're sailing uncharted waters" until 2010 September. Don't give up!!!